Sabtu, 26 November 2016

One Thing Voters Agree On: Better Campaign Coverage Was Needed - New York Times

One Thing Voters Agree On: Better Campaign Coverage Was Needed - New York Times

Others are calling into customer care at multiple times the usual rate. They have a variety of concerns, including the election coverage. Last week, President-elect Donald J. Trump jumped in, tweeting that The Times had lost thousands of subscribers since the election. The paper says quite the opposite is the case: It reports having the largest one-week subscription increase since the first week of the digital pay model, in 2011.

I assume that The Times has more accurate data than Trump. But I hope any chest thumping about the impressive subscriber bump won’t obscure a hard-eyed look at coverage. Because from my conversations with readers, and from the emails that have come into my office, I can tell you there is a searing level of dissatisfaction out there with many aspects of the coverage.

Readers complain heatedly and repeatedly about the forecasting odometer from The Upshot that was anchored on the home page and predicted that Hillary Clinton had an 80 percent chance or better of winning. They complain that The Times’s attempt to tap the sentiments of Trump supporters was lacking. And they complain about the liberal tint The Times applies to its coverage, without awareness that it does.

Few could deny that if Trump’s more moderate supporters are feeling bruised right now, the blame lies partly with their candidate and his penchant for inflammatory rhetoric. But the media is at fault too, for turning his remarks into a grim caricature that it applied to those who backed him. What struck me is how many liberal voters I spoke with felt so, too. They were Clinton backers, but, they want a news source that fairly covers people across the spectrum.

Horst Gudemann of Jackson, Wyo., says he doesn’t want to be spoon-fed opinions that The Times thinks he should have, and he doesn’t want his primary news source to stereotype half the country as racists. “We shouldn’t judge Black Lives Matters by its most extremist members, and we shouldn’t judge Trump followers by theirs,” Gudemann told me.

The national desk of The Times has correspondents around the country, and they filed a steady stream of compelling stories from voters between coastal America. And yet between the horse race and the campaign drama, much of their work was simply drowned out.

That left many of the readers I spoke with feeling like The Times was a swirl of like-mindedness. Gudemann and other readers said The Times’s liberalism sounds the loudest the closer you get to the Opinion section, perhaps not surprisingly. Still, too many of the voices, of both the regular columnists and even guest writers, are from people with similar views.

“I’ve read The Times for 50 years, and I’m tired of the old guard,” said James Harris, of Great Barrington, Mass. He said he’d welcome some fresher voices.

Judy Barlas of Silver Spring, Md., raises a different issue. She supported Bernie Sanders in the primary. But she told me she saw evidence early on that The Times believed Clinton would win the nomination and kept pushing that scenario. It anticipated an outcome, and it stuck with it. “When Sanders would have a victory, they would cast it in terms of what it meant for Clinton,” Barlas said. “It was the same approach through the election.” In her view, editors and reporters developed a story line, and that’s the only perspective they presented. “I expect more from The Times,” she said.

The Times’s executive editor, Dean Baquet, and its publisher, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., sent an extraordinary post-election letter to subscribers that was in part an attempt to assure readers there was some self-reflection going on in the newsroom about its coverage. It included a vow to “rededicate ourselves to the fundamental mission of Times journalism. That is to report America and the world honestly, without fear or favor, striving always to understand and reflect all political perspectives and life experiences…” But they also used the occasion to congratulate themselves on their swift, agile and creative coverage on election night, and they praised their journalism as fair to both candidates and unflinching in its scrutiny.

I suspect that gesture soothed some readers, but many others were expecting more of an apology. And some were repelled by what they described as a self-congratulatory tone and what several viewed as a lack of sincerity.

Chavi Eve Karkowsky, an obstetrician in New York City, saw the letter through the lens of her own profession. “In medicine when something goes wrong, we ask: ‘Where did we get this information? Why? What should we do differently?’ We break it down to its very basic level,” she said. Karkowsky would have preferred a real apology, she said, and some sense that The Times was looking inward.

WHAT struck me most as I spoke with readers is how much, to a person, they had something to say that was smart and reasonable. They weren’t randomly selected — I chose them from an inbox of complaints — but they had reactions that were well worth hearing. I found myself wishing someone from the newsroom was on the line with me, especially to hear how many of the more liberal voters wanted more balanced coverage. Not an echo chamber of liberal intellectualism, but an honest reflection of reality.

I also hope someone will pay a visit to Cindy Capwell and her friends in North Carolina. They’d welcome a chance to reflect back on The Times’s coverage from a living room full of Trump backers.

Capwell and her husband considered canceling their subscription to The Times, but they’re holding off for now. “We’ll give The Times a chance,” she said. “I hope you guys will give people like us a chance too. It’s time to lay down our arms.”

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