Selasa, 02 Januari 2018

Feminist Vegan Says Meat Is Bad — Then Jesse Watters Whips Out Steak and Eats Right in Front of Her - Independent Journal Review

Feminist Vegan Says Meat Is Bad — Then Jesse Watters Whips Out Steak and Eats Right in Front of Her - Independent Journal Review

On Saturday, Fox News host Jesse Watters toggled his master troll switch when he invited a Penn State University doctoral candidate onto his show. She was arguing that meat reinforces gender stereotypes.

Anne DeLessio-Parson had studied Argentina's “meat-centric culture” and published an article in the “Journal of Feminist Geography” that said:

In patriarchal societies where hegemonic masculinity implies an imperative to eat meat, vegetarianism disrupts food culture, raising questions about how vegetarians do, re-do and rework gender. ...

We cannot separate the ways people “do vegetarianism” from how they “do gender.” Doing vegetarianism in interactions drives social change, contributing to the de-linking of meat from gender hegemony and revealing the resisting and reworking of gender in food spaces.

Watters challenged her claims on his show “Watters' World.” He asked, “Why is eating meat bad? Really?”

DeLessio-Parson responded by saying that eating meat “can reinforce existing social structures, including patriarchy” through its “symbolism.” Then, as she went on explaining that it would take longer than four minutes to explain the link between eating meat and “toxic masculinity,” a producer brought out a plate of medium-rare steak for Watters to eat.

She commented, “That's some nice dead animal, dead cow hanging on your fork.” As Watters kept eating, she explained that a society should be judged by how it treats its animals. Then she said, “It'd be great if we had universal health care for our animals,” and then she backed up her point by saying that we had “some money” and showed off her fancy mug.

Watters then chuckled and responded to her claim that we could afford it by saying, “Really? Because we're $20 trillion in debt.”

Watch the hilarious clip below.

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