Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016

A Trump Supporter Made The Worst Mistake Of His Life When He Tried To Heckle Obama - PoliticusUSA

A Trump Supporter Made The Worst Mistake Of His Life When He Tried To Heckle Obama - PoliticusUSA

Things did not go well for a Donald Trump support who tried to heckle President Obama while he was campaigning for Hillary Clinton on Friday.


The Trump supporter heckled Obama about playing golf and then shouted Bill Clinton is a rapist.

What happened next was classic Obama via the official transcript:

Hold on a second, young man. Don’t be interrupting everybody. Come on. Come on, sir. Come on. Everybody is going — come on, everybody. Let’s do our little chant. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!

AUDIENCE: Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!

THE PRESIDENT: All right, I think we’re okay now. I notice this has been happening everywhere, and I keep on telling folks you’ve got to organize your own rallies. If you’re confident about the other guy, just go to his rallies. I feel confident about my candidate. That’s why I’m at this rally. So you don’t have to spend time over here. Go knock on some doors for your guy. That’s a better way for you to spend your time. Unless you’re just being paid to be here — in which case, hey, you know, everybody has got to make a living.

A Trump supporting young man who is wearing a Bill Clinton is a rapist t-shirt has possibly already placed himself at a great disadvantage in the game of life, but his worst mistake was thinking that he could somehow hurt Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning by trying to disrupt President Obama.

Obama turned the situation around into a pro-Clinton moment, encouraged this guy to participate in our democracy, insinuated that he could have been paid to disrupt the speech, and offered a ringing personal endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

It takes real skill to screw up that much in such a short period, but that typifies the overall general failure of Republicans and Donald Trump in the presidential campaign.

For some reason that the rest of America does not understand, Trump supporters believe that they are accomplishing something by screaming that Bill Clinton is a rapist.

Howling conspiracy theories about Bill Clinton is not going to win the election for Trump. The only thing that the Trump supporting heckler did was help Obama make his case for Hillary Clinton.

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