Senin, 24 Oktober 2016

John Voight: Save Nation From Candidate 'With Blood On Her Hands' - Western Journalism

John Voight: Save Nation From Candidate 'With Blood On Her Hands' - Western Journalism

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In an impassioned reminder that the freedoms and safety enjoyed by millions of Americans are at risk, actor John Voight has issued a clarion call for voters to save their nation by preventing Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton from being elected.

“We were once a country of freedom, and now we are becoming a country of tyranny. We are witness to our own people burning down and looting our own cities: Ferguson, Milwaukee, Orlando, Baltimore,” said Voight in a new video. “We are all witness to our own people killing our police.”

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Voight has said in the past that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump stirs fear in his opponents because he “represents a form of freedom none of them ever saw before, and they are bewildered about it, and frightened about it.”

Voight said terrorism has come to America’s shores under the policies of leading Democrats.

“Islamic terrorists have killed thousands of people all over our country, and Hillary and Obama want to be politically correct and pretend all the killings aren’t happening,” he continued.

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Voight noted that unlike the average American backing Trump, Clinton has the support of shadowy figures who work against American values.

“How many Americans are aware of George Soros? An evil man who turned hundreds of Jewish people over to the Nazis to be exterminated during World War II. He was interviewed on 60 Minutes and was asked if he feels guilty for what he has done. And arrogantly, he said absolutely not, if I didn’t do it, someone else would have,” Voight said.

“Soros is a billionaire who made most of his money manipulating currencies, and almost bankrupted many countries. He supports hate groups who are responsible for taking down our cities. And he is a close friend of Hillary Clinton, and a major supporter of her campaign,” he added.

Voight noted that America’s middle class will suffer the most.

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“Thousands of refugees will flood our nation. And no one will know the good guys from the bad guys. It will kill our economy, which is at an all time low under the years of Obama’s presidency. And Hillary boasts how proud she will be to continue Obama’s legacy,” Voight said

Voight said those who cherish the First and Second Amendments should fear a Clinton presidency.

“With Hillary as our president, we will lose our Second Amendment — our right to bear arms. Freedom of religion will be attacked, and Hillary will try to stop all conservative voices on TV and radio,” he said.

Voight said Clinton “has blood on her hands from the Benghazi terrorist raid. Four of our American patriots died, and when the parents stood over their loved ones’ coffins, she lied to them about the cause of their sons’ deaths.”

Voight said that Clinton seeks to sweep Trump and those who follow him from the political scene because she looks down upon them.

“Hillary and her followers are on a cruel campaign to stop and degrade all of Trump’s followers,” Voight said. “Her words were echoed loud and clear for all Americans to hear. She said: Trump’s followers are a ‘basket of deplorables, they are unredeemable.’”

Voight said there is only one thing that can rescue the nation: electing Trump

“May God protect the real truth, and may Donald Trump win this presidency. He will save America, and make it great again,” he said.

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