Rabu, 09 November 2016

5 Reasons Why The Kingdom Aren't Trying To Kill The Saviors With Zombie-Infected Pigs - moviepilot.com

5 Reasons Why The Kingdom Aren't Trying To Kill The Saviors With Zombie-Infected Pigs - moviepilot.com

The latest episode of #TheWalkingDead stirred some fresh speculation over the specifics of the zombie virus. Residents (or subjects?) of The Kingdom who weren't too busy with choir practice were seen feeding a walker to eight pigs. Rather than being a Snatch-inspired efficient body disposal method, they were prepping the pigs for the Saviors' Christmas dinner. When Morgan asked for a reason, Richard responded with a surly "because I want their bellies full of rot".

Obviously the Kingdom are planning on zombie-fying the Saviors on the sly, right? Nope. Wrong. Not going to happen. Here's why.

5. No One Turned From Eating Bob


Remember Bob? He was one of those minor characters who was briefly given more camera time so that we could grow fond of him just before he got killed off. Thanks, Robert Kirkman. As if being bitten wasn't enough, he was kidnapped by the cannibalistic jerk lords of Terminus. They somehow managed to cut off his leg and eat it for dinner while he was unconscious. Talk about a deep sleeper. But little did they know that Bob was about to troll them all.


"I've been bitten, you stupid pricks! I'm tainted meat. TAINTED MEEAAAAAAT!"

Nice one, Bob. The Terminus gang freaked out, not really sure what this meant for them. Were they about to turn? Well, no. They never ended up turning. But the fact that they got absolutely butchered by Rick Grimes' group shortly after means the whole eat-zombies-become-zombies theory potentially still had some validity to it. Until...

4. Gross Nick Ate That Gross Dead Dog


The last season of Fear The Walking Dead officially answered the question that had been on our minds for years: what actually happens if you eat zombie flesh?

After enjoying the view of his canine attackers being torn to shreds by a horde of walkers, Nick wasted no time in jumping off that hot van roof and tucking into the leftovers. Because munching down on mysterious psychoactive cactus and washing it down with his own pee wasn't gross enough.

What happened to Nick after that? Apart from a fresh top up to his zombie flesh stank, nothing. He didn't turn. He didn't even get sick. So why didn't Nick turn?

3. Where The Zombie Animals At?


Ever noticed that there are literally no animal walkers in the entire show? It's a shame, because zombie animals would be a totally badass addition. Maybe take a leaf out of Resident Evil's book, AMC. We've seen that dogs, deer and even horses are not safe from the walkers' insatiable appetites, and yet we've seen no zombie fauna. Not only are animals not pre-infected like all humans are, they also seem to be immune from contracting the virus.

And if this alone isn't enough to squash the theory, then the comics already did. After Shiva mauls a walker, Ezekiel explains that the virus "has no effect on animals". Which is a shame, really, because having a bunch of these things running around would have been awesome:

Constantin Film Constantin Film

More on The Walking Dead:

2. Everyone Is Already Infected Anyway


All humans are infected with a passive form of the virus. The virus becomes active when the host dies. Zombie bites seem to kill quicker than other similar injuries, possibly due to a toxic bacteria in their saliva, or from the active virus coming in to contact with the blood stream.

Survivors cannot "catch" the virus, as they already have it. It just hasn't been activated yet. And much like how ingesting poisonous snake venom is harmless, you cannot activate the virus by eating it.

1. The Saviors Would Have Been Dead Long Ago


It's easy to jump to the conclusion that a large group like The Kingdom would want to take out the Saviors ASAP. But don't let the armor and bounty of horses fool you: these guys are not as gutsy as they seem. They're more focused on baking cobbler and tending to their bountiful permaculture garden. So what's the deal with the pig thing?

The Kingdom may be peaceful, but that doesn't mean it isn't spiteful. Filling the pigs with walker flesh is the equivalent of spitting in someone's burger at McDonalds. It doesn't achieve anything, but it's a petty form of revenge. And if the way those pigs chowed down on that expertly restrained walker are anything to go by, they've been doing this for a long time. If the Saviors could die from eating tainted pigs, it would have happened by now.

Not to mention The Kingdom are also just keeping up with the Saviors' demands. The head honcho in charge of pig collection duty says to Ezekiel, "They look bigger than last time. That's good, too." It's an obvious reference to them putting pressure on Ezekiel's crew to provide bigger livestock. It's probably a good idea to just go along with whatever the Saviors tell them to do, anyway. They're not exactly reasonable people.


Will the Saviors will find out about The Kingdom's special ingredient?

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