Always ready to deliver a serious dose of role-playing fun with the Pokémon series, Nintendo shocked a lot of casual gamers earlier this year when it revealed the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon releases. The two games are meant to cap off a huge year for Nintendo and The Pokémon Company; the franchise is celebrating its 20th Anniversary all year. Right now, the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon release dates are all Nintendo fans can talk about. Naturally, that puts a special spotlight on Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon pre-orders.
Here’s all the information you need to know about Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon pre-orders ahead of their release later this year. Gotta Be Mobile will keep this breakdown updated with news and information about the releases as we learn more about what Nintendo has planned.
Read: Surprise Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon Release Revealed
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Release Date
The most important thing we’ve learned about Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon is its release date. Nintendo teased the games in February, but didn’t talk about when they’d launch.
For North Americans, the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon release date is November 18th. That’s in line with what most assumed about the game’s timeline. On that day, anyone that placed a pre-order with a retailer will be able to get their game. Nintendo will also make the game available in its eShop, if past game releases are an accurate indication of its plans for this release.
One very interesting thing to note is that November 18th is not the worldwide Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon release date. Different regions are getting their own releases. European gamers can expect their Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon pre-orders to arrive on November 23rd.
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Platforms
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon are getting what Nintendo describes as the “Nintendo 3DS family” treatment. What that means is that anyone with a Nintendo 3DS will be able to play the new role-playing game. It doesn’t matter if you have the very first Nintendo 3DS or one of the later models with add-on features. Thanks to its support for 2D, users will actually be able to play the game without fussing over the 3DS’ 3D settings, if they prefer.
The New Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo will offer a few different bundles for all kinds of gamers. The Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Dual Pack combines both games into a single purchase for $69.99. A strategy guide pack includes a copy of each game with a strategy guide for $115.99. Shoppers can get one copy of either Sun or Moon with a strategy guide for $102.49. All over these are available at GameStop for pre-order today.
Where to Place a Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Pre-Order
Finding a Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon pre-order will be incredibly easy, as it always is with Nintendo releases.
Retailer GameStop has offered Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon pre-orders ever since Nintendo announced the two games were on the way. The company still is, with options to pick up the game in-store or have it delivered. If ordered online, GameStop won’t bill you until the game has left its warehouse this fall. GameStop usually offers big trade-in value boosts, provided that the credit is used towards the purchase of new games. We fully expect GameStop to offer a similar deal for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon closer to release. That’s great news for anyone who still has their older Pokémon games.
Amazon is offering Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon pre-orders too, plus giving users a 20% discount if they’ve signed up for its Amazon Prime service. Amazon does this with both new and recent releases. As such, it’s possible to skip a pre-order altogether and get the game at the discounted price. For Prime members, either Sun or Moon is just $31.99. Amazon Prime costs $99.99 a year and includes other extras. Amazon doesn’t charge cards until pre-orders have shipped too.
Electronics retailer Best Buy is offering up the same discount to members of its Gamers Club Unlocked program. There Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon pre-orders are available online. Because the games cost $39.99 before any discounts, shoppers get the game delivered absolutely free of charge. Gamers Club Unlocked costs $30 for two years.
Right now, there aren’t any retailers offering pre-order extras at all. That could change as we get closer to release though. Pre-order extras are used to entice gamers to purchase at specific store. GameStop is known to offer extras to those that pick up titles at its stores. Nintendo also has a pretty close promotional relationship with Best Buy.
Two Pokemon Sun & Moon Extras from Nintendo
Retailers don’t have pre-order extras yet, but Nintendo does. The company announced them in a recent promotional video for the game added to YouTube.
Early buyers get a Munchlax for pre-ordering or purchasing a copy of the game this calendar year, the video reveals. That Munchlax will carry Snorlium Z, a substance that players can use on their Munchlax after it has evolved into a Snorlax to unlock a special Z Move. Z-Moves are special abilities unlocked by gems that players collect in game.
Read: Pokemon Sun & Moon Buying Guide
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon are the most exciting Nintendo launches happening this year. Depending on your preference, they may even be the most exciting games of any platform getting a release in the not-too distant future.
Rowlet, Litten and Popplio will act as the three partners in these two new games. Players will have to choose one from the game’s start. We also know that Pokémon from older versions of the game can be traded to these new versions thanks to the PokeBank. These new games are set in Alola, a new region that’s separate from Kanto and other regions featured in past games.
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