Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

'Missing' State Dept. Email Brings ANOTHER Clinton Family Member In Heat Of Scandal - Western Journalism

'Missing' State Dept. Email Brings ANOTHER Clinton Family Member In Heat Of Scandal - Western Journalism

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Chelsea Clinton hasn’t been shy about pushing herself into her mother’s presidential campaign.

The former first daughter not only introduced Hillary Clinton to the adoring throng in Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention back in July, she took a turn at bat swinging at Republican nominee Donald Trump in an interview this week.

So it was only a matter of time before she showed up in her mother’s biggest scandal of all.

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Chelsea Clinton’s husband, international financier Marc Mezvinsky, lost a fortune of other people’s money when he placed a losing $25 million bet that the basket-case economy of Greece was going to turn around thanks to a massive infusion of money from Germany and other relatively solvent members of the European Union.

In particular, according to the Washington Examiner, Mezvinsky was betting that an international Greek bailout would raise the price of Greek bonds. Mesvinsky and investors in his hedge fund, Eaglevale Hellenic Opportunity, bought up Greek stocks and government debt, expecting to make a tidy private profit off massive public spending (obviously a Democrat to his bones, if only a Clinton by marriage).

The investment went very sour, though, with Mezvinsky’s investors losing almost half of the hedge fund’s $25 million by early 2015, according to the Daily Caller. And nearly all the rest was gone by May of this year, when Mezvinsky closed down Eaglevale Hellenic, the Daily Caller reported.

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What makes all this interesting outside the financial pages is that those investors who took a bath with Hillary Clinton’s son-in-law turned out to be huge donors not only to the Clinton Foundation, but also to Hillary Clinton’s political campaigns. As the Washington Examiner reported:

Investors in the fund included Marc Lasry, CEO of Avenue Capital Group, and Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Lasry has donated up to $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation, records show. Goldman Sachs executives, in addition to being foundation donors, have given Hillary Clinton more than $200,000 for her presidential campaign, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

The California Public Employees Retirement System, known as CalPERS, invested $6.5 million in Eaglevale in May 2012, CalPERS records show.

So, when Jake Sullivan, a top Hillary aide at the State Department emailed two Clinton Foundation heavyweights — Bill Clinton aide, Justin Cooper, and Amitabh Desai, the foundation’s foreign policy director — it was of more than passing interest to the watchdog group Citizens United, which has been dogging Hillary Clinton’s political career and digging up dirt on the former first lady for years.

A sitting secretary of state might well have professional business dealings with an economic bailout of an important – if bankrupt – European country, but what business did the American State Department have sharing government information with outside groups? Especially when big money and big names were involved?

That’s hard to say, because the State Department has “lost” the original email in question. It’s clear from the subject line that it refers directly to the Greek bonds – “Solidarity Bonds Greece Revised” — and therefore to Marc Mezvinsky’s business, but the email itself and its attachment have been “lost” by the federal bureaucracy Hillary once ran.

But considering it obviously bears directly on a topic the secretary of state’s son-in-law had bet his professional career on, the email should be of some interest to American taxpayers interested in just how corrupt and conniving Hillary Clinton actually is.

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Citizens United is clearly not buying the State Department story.

“Hillary Clinton truly left her mark on the State Department,” Citizens United spokesman J.T. Mastranadi told the Washington Examiner. “Why do the most important emails always end up missing? The State Department should explain to the American people why this information is unavailable.”

Now, it should be pointed out here — as the liberals surely will — that the investors ended up losing their money (and probably their trust in Mrs. Clinton’s son-in-law). But the point is they were likely investing in much more than financially bankrupt Greek economy getting pulled out of the dumps by still more public money raised through the taxes of hard-working, industrious European citizens who had no direct say in how those funds would be spent.

Whatever Wall Street CEOs lost to Marc Mezvinsky’s mistakes, they earned a lot of goodwill from the Clinton family in the process. And considering Hillary Clinton was even then a virtual certainty to run for president in 2016, that’s an investment that could pay off handsomely.

As for Chelsea, she continues to live the high life with her husband in that $10 million luxury apartment where her mother sought shelter from the “heat” of that 9/11 stumble-and-near-tumble medical scare in Manhattan.

And pushing herself into her mother’s presidential campaign whenever she can.

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